The H.O.Y.C.E. Center is a 501c3 organization dedicated to life and self skills management for youth.
The HOYCE Center plays a key role in youth development in collaboration with schools, businesses, and
other organizations in the community via workshops, community forums, technology, and recreational activities.
The H.O.Y.C.E. Youth Center was incorporated in March of 2009. It was created to provide a safe, fun
place for youth to come together and participate in positive activities while learning and enhancing
cognitive skills, exploring and discovering other options, discovery of talents, in order to help keep our
youth off the streets.
Our goal was to have a neighborhood youth center that served as a hub for a wide variety of
programs. We wanted the children to have ownership and the feeling that the center belonged to
them. In order to do this we knew they had to have responsibility in the development and long-term
success of it. From this came the youth led board. The purpose of the center is to be predominately
youth driven. As we grow so will the youth. They will learn how to create, develop, and start business
based on experiences. Peer training will allow the youth to learn leadership and how to be role models
for each other for the next generations to come.
Currently, we are mobile and utilize our resources and networks to connect youth in the community to information and community-based organizations based of of individual or family needs.
We believe all youth can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our mission is to cultivate a safe and supportive environment where youth can thrive, free from the shadows of violence. We achieve this by connecting youth to a spectrum of dynamic educational and recreational programs that open a world of possibilities, guiding young minds toward a future filled with hope and opportunity.
We recognize that empowerment extends beyond mental and emotional development. Thus, we are committed to addressing the tangible needs of our community. The H.O.Y.C.E. Center is a beacon of support, providing essential resources and basic necessities to families to change lives, ensuring that no child is hindered by lack of access to fundamental needs.
We will achieve our mission by:
• Utilizing and maximizing neighborhood programmatic resources;
• Establishing solid partnerships between citywide agencies and organizations; and
• Facilitating creative and sustainable investments in youth.

We are all connected to each other and interdependent. The community includes everyone and leaves no one behind. We care for each other and believe in shared responsibility and shared sacrifice.
At The H.O.Y.C.E. Center, we believe that children are the very essence of the future. Who they are tomorrow is essentially the outcome of how they are raised and nurtured today. We go above and beyond to provide our youth an empowering environment where they can fully embrace their identity and gain all the skills they need to be leaders tomorrow.
Our goals are to shape the way they live their lives and teach them the fundamentals of social responsibility, healthy living and cultural acceptance.
We promote creativity and talent which can
assist our communities; encourage the collaboration of people from various backgrounds; foster empowerment of the self through
teaching positive decision-making and
problem solving skills